
Hony bee

  the sovereign has just one occupation as well yet it's  the most significant of all she should lay  the eggs for the up and coming age of  laborers drones and surprisingly her own substitution yet first the Queen 🐝must  mate and to do that she should leave the  hive she sets off on her first gathering  flight when she's with regards to seven days old  at the point when the Queen 🐝seems she's right away  encircled by the guys who follow her  special fragrance  every one of the dozen or something like that drones who get  to mate with the Queen 🐝passes on in the demonstration  the Queen 🐝flies back to the hive  promptly her body conveying the sign  of progress what's left of the mail  she'll make a couple of more mating trips in  the coming days and afterward have enough  sperm in her body to treat eggs for  the remainder of her life which might endure from  one to four years  it's currently an ideal opportunity for the beekeeper to pay  his regards to her R