Hony bee


the sovereign has just one occupation as well yet it's 

the most significant of all she should lay 

the eggs for the up and coming age of 

laborers drones and surprisingly her own

substitution yet first the Queen 🐝must 

mate and to do that she should leave the 

hive she sets off on her first gathering 

flight when she's with regards to seven days old 

at the point when the Queen 🐝seems she's right away 

encircled by the guys who follow her 

special fragrance 

every one of the dozen or something like that drones who get 

to mate with the Queen 🐝passes on in the demonstration 

the Queen 🐝flies back to the hive 

promptly her body conveying the sign 

of progress what's left of the mail 

she'll make a couple of more mating trips in 

the coming days and afterward have enough 

sperm in her body to treat eggs for 

the remainder of her life which might endure from 

one to four years 

it's currently an ideal opportunity for the beekeeper to pay 

his regards to her Royal Highness 

in any case, he accompanies ulterior intentions 

a mated Queen can be offered to another 

a beekeeper who needs to build up a new 

state such important property needs to 

be checked like the brand on a cow 

consistently the Queen will lay around 1,500 

eggs 200,000 in a year 

it's a difficult situation 

in any case, somebody needs to do 

the Queen's imperial fragrance forestalls the 

female specialists from laying eggs 


it requires a couple of days for the eggs to develop 

into hatchlings 

they are then washed in an extraordinary food 

brought to them by laborers 

during its first day, a hatchling eats so 

much its weight builds five and a 

half times in six days its weight 

increments multiple times 

the hatchlings then twist covers and pupae 

create inside until they arise two 

weeks after the fact as grown-up honey bees the Queen as it were 

quits laying eggs when the climate develops 

colder in November 

every honey bee transforms from 

egg to hatchling to grown-up in around three 


what's more, there's little astonished about the

infants sex since each specialist is a 

female and pretty much every honey bee is a specialist 

in a province of several thousand just a 

100 honey bees are conceived male the 

vault molded fronts of their brood cells 

give additional room to their bigger 

bodies working drones go about as birthing assistants - a 


in any case, a laborer herself needs to battle her 

way out of her brood cell-independent no 

pampering permitted here 

before long the specialist will follow her 

very much arranged social cycle starting 

with cleaning her cell 

the guys then again get 

extraordinary consideration they are assisted of 

their cells and quickly took care of 

in an in any case society of equivalents the 

male doesn't need to work even his name 

the robot is one more word for an idler his 

huge compound eyes recount his sole 

reason in life referring to the Queen on the 

mating flight 

in a bumblebee province, each part has a 

the particular errand to perform and everything 

has its place 

at the point when the province develops so huge that the 

honey bees start to run out of room they 

instinctually realize that it's the ideal opportunity for 

the old Queen to leave with a large portion of the 

the populace and another sovereign to be delegated 

first development needs to start on 

exceptional sovereign cells in which twelve or 

so new would-be Queens will develop 

this is the best area 

in the hive 

as eggs, all honey bees are equivalent however by 

taking care of grubs a consistent eating regimen of illustrious 

jam a combination of smooth emissions 

they're transformed into Queens however previously 

the new Queens bring forth the old Queen must 

leave joined by a huge number of 

laborers who are sufficiently close to follow 

her aroma 

they swarm out of the hive in a distraught 

whirling surge 

not a long way from knowing the past the old sovereign 

grounds to rest however the amassing honey bees 


follow her._

This article honey has been

been his article, we will portray the 

different stations of honey bee 

honey bees are segregated into three 

different sorts the sovereign and the subject matter expert 

which are female bumblebees and the robot 

which is a male bumblebee 

the sovereign bumblebee is the center of the area 

without her the rest of the region 

can't persevere 

she has two chief purposes 

to make manufactured aromas or pheromones 

which help with controlling the fortitude and 

the consistent quality of the area and to lay eggs 

you can recognize the sovereign by the size 

of her mid-locale which is conspicuously 

greater than a trained professional or robot bumblebee 

inside the hive, she will typically walk 

straight through the brood while the 

works and robots will tend to 

creep more than each other despite this the 

Sovereign can regardless be shaky to spot to 

help with tracking down her a beekeeper will much of the time 

mark her chest with a dash of paint the 

the shade of which will show which year 

she was brought into the world is in this way, as needs are, how old 

she is the Queen can lay as various as 

2,000 eggs each day and live for up to five 

quite a while in any case following quite a long while 

she will start to slow her creation so 

it is reasonable to displace the sovereign of 

each hive each a couple of years 

the functioning robots make up a bigger piece of 

the number of occupants in the hive genuinely is 

the tiniest bumblebee in the hive anyway as 

their name proposes they play out a 

most of the work 

on ordinary, they will live from 35 to 45 

days and the specific occupation they perform 

will change with age 

the primary piece of an experts life will be 

gone through managing the hive by tending 

to the sovereign dealing with the brood and 

building the wax brush when created 

they will begin to ensure the hive and 

scavenge for dust nectar propolis and 

nectar Jew 

finally, there is the robot be drones 

make up a for the most part minimal degree of 

the settlement's full-scale people evolving 

from around 2,000 to 6,000 

dependent upon the season 

generation with a virgin sovereign is the 

drones essential job for the duration of daily existence and they 

do very little else inside the hive they 

have no sting so can't protect 

the settlement yet they really ought to be dealt with 

moreover, centered around by the subject matter experts 

for more than one small step at a time coordinates along these lines 

one head over to make an incredible association._

mainly there are four types of honeybees

 they are damn early Davina

 little bee and rocking Mellie Farah an

 imported species is also in cultivation

 this is the demo bee colony

 taxonomically try gonna EDD Kenny it is

 seen in hollow tree tongue and cracks of

 the wall though it is simplest it

 irritates by attacking iLabs and hair

 these are the egg

 this yellow material is the pollen

 the collection these are the honey sack

 separate the eggs and pollen and

 transfer them to bamboo or earthen

 fort close the open end the bees will

 enter themselves and adjust very far

 shift this during night hours to a

 convenient place this honey is very

 thick and tasty but the production is

 very less maximum 250 grams in a season

 it is good medicine for cough in

 babies the wax has good demand but the

 availability is very less even than the

 contribution of these tiny bees for

 pollination is considerable

 these are the little B taxonomically

 APIs Floria this species is seen in dr

 hot areas these small and attractive

 bees build only one combat NOAA high in

 Tony pushes the little bees are not

 counted evil and honey production is

 also very left maximum half a kilo in a

 season but the contribution for

 pollination is considerable

 this is the rock bee colony

 taxonomically apis door theta these big

 and strong beings build only one but

 very large corn-fed oasis and nature the

 sting is big and has more venom they

 attack people and animals 

if they are

 disturbed they even chase them for a

 the long-distance Maidan strains are

 little bit soft earlier the

 were seen on the big trees in hundreds

 but now there is no such big trees rock

 bees build their homes as Heights on

 rocks and big buildings these bees are

 also not cultivable they produce even 40

 to 50 kilograms of honey in a single

 comb honey is extracted by experts

 during night hours under smoke now they

 pollen and honey are stored in a single

 cone if it is squeezed the honey becomes

 inferior in quality and taste and it is


 now let us study the cultivatable types

 of honeybees, this is the imported

 species apis Nellie fara bees and the

 colony are bigger than Indian bean hence

 the box also has two metal wires that support the

 big black skull they collect 40 to 50

 kilograms of honey in a season if enough

 food is available these beads are

 popular in North India for shift


 these Nana Ferraris are soft

 thinking is very there they fall very

 easily for the third Berg and Vance many

 Sarah has her resistance against Thai

 FAK proved by this disease swarming is

 rare we can't see these be independent

 in nature in India

 hence it is restricted for cultivation

 ecologists say that the Thai FAK brood

 the virus entered India with Mellie Farah

 which is not true in the Malad tract

 mela Sarah has failed due to a lack of

 abundant food in planes large-scale

 crops like sunflower help many Sarah

 beekeepers these exotic bees are

 successful and popular in Punjab Bihar

 and other parts of North India now let

 we study the Indian honeybees

 taxonomically paid cerana indica here

 also, we have to type black bees of

 holland and yellow beans from the plains

 but both are similar in cultivation this

 is the mul not strange black bee colony

 tasting more swarming stealing food from

 other colonies fighting each other etc

 are common problems and the bees are

 active and good workers hobby beekeepers

 are keeping these colonies even today

 but this is highly susceptible to thigh

 back blood disease

 these are the yellow beans commercial

 beekeepers refer to this strain these

 colonies are seen in the walls of dry

 open well although tree trunks and

 termite moles are captured inboxes

 it can be transported to any distance

 the strain has the tolerance for

 physical disease
